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Showing posts from September, 2017

Il etait une fois . . .

Lights blinded her as She began her assent towards center stage to join the other performer.  No longer could fear hide Her in the wings as t he curtains that once held Her in safety were rapidly breached. She felt the heat of Her blood charge into Her features whilst She desperately attempts to recall Her monopolized speech. A habit She was known for in situations where words no longer mended the imaginary wounds ripped back open by the headlining Martyr.  Walking on egg shells became routine when this opposing force repeatedly brought their own garbage to the stage. Grasping at straws or words - whichever gave solace first - a peace and realization came over Her.  This Martyr fed off her once rampant insecurities. This Martyr was starving from this risen star's regained joy and craved that sweet taste of doubt that once abundantly flowed within Her.  Slowly, the Martyr fell away and the scene was over. The only taste it consumed now was that of

Never Have I Ever

I'm not sorry.       A smile creeps to her lips as she gave into her defiance. Too long has she waited. Too long has she allowed lucidity to be drowned in an ocean of doubt and subordinate tendencies. No longer must she muster up the courage to defend her spirit of freedom as she tore at her self inflicted restraints. Alas, there would be consequences, but the sweet redemption and promise of emancipation sufficed her apprehension.      The knowledge that never again would she have to explain her comings and goings gave her hope. Longing for her turn to speak and not hold back anymore, she severed their words from penetrating her soul any longer. With that, in a voice she could not quite place, she demanded "Enough" and it was.