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Fight or flight?

Jolted back to consciousness to the heavy weight of waves as the storm drags your helpless carcass under the fury of the waves. 

You flail utterly helpless as recollection of the events that brought you to this moment come into focus. 

Did your boat capsize when you forgot you knew how to swim? 

Was your body cascading down from the heavens as the unforgiving lights from the God's decided your fate and the fate of all others in the sky. 

Some cruel irony as man ascended into the heavens unbinding by humanities role only to be introduced to another location which we were not welcome.

The weakening person tore to the surface again and thirstily gulped for the oxygen your body was so deprived of.

Darkness engulfed sight, cognitive functions failed, survival seemed futile. 

Then you saw it.

It seemed unattainable and perhaps a sick joke life was playing on their eyes.

But it was really there. 

A life preserve. 

The color was as bright as the crescendo of an orchestra playing their final note. It gave them the one thing they believed they lost.


 With every muscle you have, with every wave you fought, nothing could stop you. Hand outstretched and tears glistening down your already drenched cheeks...

The session was over.
